
微米 delivers world’s fastest UFS 4.0 for flagship smartphones

克里斯托弗•摩尔 | July 2023

今天, smartphones are ubiquitous as our personal companions, 说真话, and sources of news and entertainment. 最重要的是, they know us — our preferences and habits, 越来越多, 我们的情感和日常——它们预测我们的需求,使我们的生活更有效率、更愉快. This is also referred as machine learning (ML). 

例如, with personalized data inference, your smartphone can calculate the fastest route home based on traffic, order dinner based on your preferences and caloric intake for the day, 在你走进前门之前,把灯打开,调节好温度. 今天, the proliferation of these advanced use cases, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology, is the key driver of innovation for the mobile ecosystem.

与人工智能软件创新同步的是下一代智能手机的硬件功能和外形. Flagship smartphones deliver a superior end user experience, and device manufacturers prioritize feature sets such as multiple cameras, hi-res active-matrix OLED (AMOLED) displays, 先进的传感器, powerful processors and ultrafast charging speeds. 可折叠手机等外形因素正被广泛采用,因为它们允许你在多个应用程序中无缝地同时执行多任务,并引入了类似pc的功能. 突然之间, you can listen to your favorite playlist on Spotify, play your favorite streaming game with friends from around the globe, and check in with your colleagues to decide where you’ll meet for lunch. These next-generation use cases demand high-bandwidth, 低延迟, and massive-capacity embedded memory and storage. 这就是美光实现价值的地方——通过为世界领先的智能手机制造商提供一流的内存和存储解决方案,1 purpose-built for smartphones.

To deliver on the promise of AI and mobile innovation, we have developed the industry’s best-in-class UFS 4.0 embedded flash storage designed for flagship smartphones. 微米UFS 4.我们领先的创新移动闪存解决方案组合. Available in capacities of up to 1TB, you can store up to 250,000 HD photos on your smartphone; worrying about running out of space isn’t as pressing now. UFS 4.0采用我们最新的控制器和高度可配置的固件架构设计, so our partners have complete confidence in supply and qualifications.

Performance: It’s in the numbers

微米UFS 4.0 outperforms on critical NAND benchmarks, 这是为旗舰智能手机提供最佳终端用户体验的关键——所有这些都由我们先进的232层3D NAND和垂直集成的控制器和固件支撑.

具有4300兆字节每秒(MBps)的顺序读取速度和4000兆字节每秒的顺序写入速度, 微米UFS 4.0 clocks in at twice the performance of previous-generation UFS 3.1. On top of impressive read and write speed improvements, our UFS 4.0 provides a 10% write latency improvement over the competition, 这意味着在下载和启动应用程序时,您将体验到更快的响应性能. You can download two hours of 4K streaming content in under 15 seconds, twice as fast as the prior generation.2 Think about that the next time you’re about to board a flight; you can download two hours of your favorite streaming content — in less than 15 seconds!

ufs 4.0规范


我们还设计和开发了专有固件功能,为我们的客户创造更多价值. 我们的UFS 4.0 comes equipped with DSS (data stream separation), which reduces background garbage collection on your device; ARB (automatic read burst), which improves the read performance using device defragmentation; and data eye monitoring, which is a signal integrity tool. 我们不断创新和创造新的固件功能,超越行业标准的要求,根据客户的独特需求给他们带来惊喜和快乐.



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Battery life: Less plug, more play

Being able to quickly download and access your favorite apps, photos and videos on your smartphone is important. 然而, 能够做到这一点,同时维持你的电池的寿命一整天是至关重要的. 事实上, 消费者的一个主要抱怨是,他们想花更多的时间在手机上,却担心充电时间少. 美光的UFS 4.0 is 25% more power-efficient than previous-generation UFS.所以即使你在使用你最喜欢的高带宽人工智能应用程序,在你最喜欢的社交媒体应用程序上滚动几个小时, you’re able to enjoy more time on your smartphone between charges.

Technology innovation: A rich heritage

Our 512GB and 1TB UFS 4.嵌入式存储解决方案采用我们先进的232层3D NAND六平面架构设计, allowing significantly higher random read throughput.  This advanced six-plane architecture provides improved responsiveness, 终端用户将体验到更快的应用程序加载时间和更无缝的智能手机体验.

微米UFS 4.0 is also enabled with a custom-built controller, which enhances the synergy between the flash storage components, NAND控制器和固件,最终提供一流性能的最终沙巴体育结算平台.

我们还设计和开发了专有固件功能,为我们的客户创造更多价值. 我们的UFS 4.0 comes equipped with DSS (data stream separation), which reduces background garbage collection on your device; ARB (automatic read burst), which improves the read performance using device defragmentation; and data eye monitoring, which is a signal integrity tool. 我们不断创新和创造新的固件功能,超越行业标准的要求,根据客户的独特需求给他们带来惊喜和快乐.


ufs 4.0质量
\n2 As compared to previous-generation UFS 3.1 176层NAND  

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是的,我们速度很快,我们的解决方案使您的智能手机电池寿命更有效. 然而, at 微米, we go beyond feeds and speeds.

我们在深入了解移动生态系统需求的基础上开发旗舰内存和存储解决方案, 分析移动用例的微观和宏观趋势,并推断这些发现,以预测未来的用例和解决方案. 在我们的实验室, we investigate the what, 当, how and other nuances of end user behavior, 我们开发内存和存储解决方案,以超越标准规格的要求.

针对移动用例的人工智能创新正在获得动力,并创造出新的应用程序, some we are already experiencing in our smartphones. The neural networks inside of our smartphones are constantly on, 收集, 分析和学习我们的模式,提供丰富的终端用户体验.  最终用户将通过自然语言翻译和建模等输出体验人工智能的好处, computational photography and video, and 收集 contextual data to serve us up personalized recommendations.

There is a lot happening behind the scenes, 当 feeding the AI engines in your smartphone, 在边缘处理大量的数据流,以获得洞察力和促进预测. 高带宽, 低延迟, 低功耗内存以及超快、高容量的嵌入式闪存对于在智能手机上执行这些操作至关重要. With this combination of embedded memory and storage in your smartphone, 人工智能引擎可以跟上持续的数据流,并支持未来的用例, and you’ll see the benefits 当 using your smartphone.

微米UFS 4.0完全有能力帮助创新下一波5G和人工智能应用程序以及移动用户体验. 我们的UFS 4.0存储解决方案目前正在向主要的移动制造商和芯片组供应商发货,并将在今年下半年开始大批量生产. Learn more about 微米 UFS in this 信息图表 和我们的 UFS页面.  


1 与美光实验室对竞争对手公开可用的UFS 4进行的基准测试相比.0沙巴体育结算平台性能  
2 As compared to previous-generation UFS 3.1 176层NAND  



克里斯托弗·摩尔是沙巴体育安卓版下载移动事业部营销副总裁. Mr. Moore于2018年加入美光,在半导体行业拥有超过20年的经验, including leadership roles in engineering, marketing and operations.