

罗伯特·比尔比| 2021年2月

沙巴体育结算平台系列. 首批符合汽车标准的封装配置现已上市, 该沙巴体育结算平台在我们的制造工厂大批量生产.


领先的独立功能安全专家, exida, provides this comment: “Functional safety is essential to the development of advanced automotive systems, 但到目前为止, 内存在商业上的现成存在有些被忽视了,亚历山大·格里辛说, exida首席运营官兼首席安全专家. “微米 has launched its industry-leading automotive LPDDR5 with a laser focus on ISO 26262, 为内存行业的其他行业树立了新的标准. 这种对功能安全的日益关注将使所有人受益, 从汽车制造商到需要先进技术的消费者, 安全的车辆.”

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安全关键型汽车应用, 就其本质而言, 对高可靠性和安全性有内在的需求. While functional safety requirements have historically been addressed by the automotive Tier 1s and OEMs, with the increasing system-level complexity and electronics associated with today and tomorrow’s vehicle, 这显然正成为半导体供应商更加关注的焦点.

Semiconductor suppliers — including memory suppliers — are offering enhanced support to help automotive Tier 1s and OEMs in their functional safety efforts. 去年11月,美光发布了一段视频,询问内存供应商有关DRAM功能安全的问题” in which we outlined the increasing role that memory plays in affecting the overall safety level and issues to consider when developing a safety 策略.

ISO 26262 defines functional safety as the “absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of electrical/electronic systems.故障分为两种类型:

  • Systematic failures: These are failures that occur in a deterministic manner — typically introduced during product design or development. These failures are generally addressed by adopting well-documented processes and methodologies, 包括安全规划, 安全概念文件, 需求跟踪, 主动安全分析工具, 健壮的验证, 操作程序和其他相关因素.
  • Random failures: These are failures that appear arbitrarily during the lifetime of a device. Random failures can be further classified in two categories: transient faults (single-event upsets or soft errors) or permanent faults (hard errors such as stuck at a logic level). These types of failures are generally addressed by introducing safety mechanisms that help identify these faults, 使系统能够采取适当的行动, 包括纠正故障或使系统保持安全状态.


  • 冗余:这种机制通常可以在硬件级别实现.
  • 循环冗余检查:该机制通常用于错误检测.
  • Error correction code: This mechanism is generally used for both error detection and correction.
  • Built-in-self-test: This mechanism provides additional circuitry that verifies accurate device operation, 连续或在通电期间.

The effectiveness of the safety mechanisms used to detect random failures in time (FIT) and the likelihood of risk are measured by the various metrics, 包括单点故障度量(SPFM)和潜在故障度量(线性调频). These metrics are used to measure the functional safety of a given hardware component.


ASIL指的是汽车安全完整性等级, a risk-classification system defined by the ISO 26262 standard for the functional safety of road vehicles. ASIL - A系统具有最不严格的安全降低水平, 而ASIL - D是最严格的. 因为更高的ASIL级别通常意味着更高的成本和复杂性, the required ASIL level for a given system scales in direct correlation to the impact of a that system’s failure on the operation of the vehicle.

硬件系统, the ASIL requirements identify the requisite values for the failure metrics as shown in the table below.

ASIL                                失败率(适合                              线性调频                                 SPFM                                   
A                                < 1,000                                 —                                 —                                   
B                                < 100                              ≥ 60%                              ≥ 90%                                
C                                < 100                              ≥ 80%                              ≥ 97%                                
D                                < 10                              ≥ 90%                              ≥ 99%                               


Given our intimate understanding of the automotive market and the role and importance of memory in safety 应用程序, 微米 is pleased to announce our industry-leading portfolio of safety-based solutions. These solutions underscore our 30-year commitment to delivering leadership solutions to the automotive market. They also reflect an extensive series of investments across many facets of 微米 that have been made over the past two years to address the emerging need for safety-compliant solutions:

  • 成立一个专门的功能安全办公室,由行业安全老手组成
  • 在美光采用符合ISO 26262的流程和方法
  • 建立安全专家队伍, 包括系统架构师和应用程序工程师提供咨询支持
  • Introducing the industry’s first independent assessment by industry-leading safety experts, exida, that 微米’s automotive LPDDR5 is suitable for safety systems up to and including ASIL D
  • Obtaining a supplier-performed hardware evaluation report, per ISO 26262-8 clause 13
  • Conducting extensive functional safety analysis and collateral to greatly simplify customer analysis

微米’s JEDEC-compliant LPDDR5 is the first product within our broader automotive-compliant memory and storage portfolio to be deemed suitable for safety systems at any ASIL level. System integrators are ultimately responsible for justifying that all electronic components and subsystems are suitable for safety-related systems; 微米 as the memory developer is in a position of expertise and design data availability to support system integrators in that justification. 微米’s LPDDR5 product is accompanied with product-safety documentation collateral, 包括第一行业供应商的硬件评估报告, 以及安全应用说明和分析报告. 除了, the safety-compliant LPDDR5 memory family contains a unique and innovative “safety engine,,这使得重要的系统级, 权力, 性能和成本效益有待实现. 微米 safety solutions better allow system integrators to ensure that the DRAM is free from systematic failures while providing significant improvements in system performance, 权力, 成本和可用性.

只有通过美光对DRAM的广泛理解, 汽车市场和相关架构, 和功能安全,美光可以提供这个创新的沙巴体育结算平台系列. 首批符合汽车标准的封装配置现已上市, 该沙巴体育结算平台在我们的制造工厂大批量生产.

领先的独立功能安全专家, exida, provides this comment: “Functional safety is essential to the development of advanced automotive systems, 但到目前为止, 内存在商业上的现成存在有些被忽视了,亚历山大·格里辛说, exida首席运营官兼首席安全专家. “微米 has launched its industry-leading automotive LPDDR5 with a laser focus on ISO 26262, 为内存行业的其他行业树立了新的标准. 这种对功能安全的日益关注将使所有人受益, 从汽车制造商到需要先进技术的消费者, 安全的车辆.”


请密切关注这个空间,了解更多的安全知识, 包括美光安全解决方案组合的更多细节. You can learn more about this hardware evaluation report and 微米’s industry-leading functional safety support here: http://www.微米.com/Fusa



罗伯特贝耳俾, 汽车系统架构和细分市场高级总监, 谁负责战略, 负责美光汽车事业部的市场营销和沙巴体育结算平台定义. 加入美光之前, 罗伯特在系统领域工作了30多年, semiconductor and solutions businesses holding various engineering and executive roles at Kodak, 阿尔特拉, 大规模集成电路逻辑, 和Xilinx. Robert在体系结构的系统级别带来了丰富的经验, 策略, 垂直营销和沙巴体育结算平台策划. Robert has authored multiple articles on broad industry topics and holds more than 40 patents in the areas of channel coding, 数字信号处理, 可编程逻辑器件.