
Using high-performance computing (HPC) to solve the world’s largest challenges

杰森Adlard | 2024年1月

欧洲核子研究中心, 欧洲核研究理事会, is the world’s most renowned particle physics re搜索 facility. 它操作 大型强子对撞机 (LHC), which is not only the largest particle accelerator in the world but also the largest machine!

The LHC recreates conditions similar to those just after the Big Bang by firing trillions of particles at each other at nearly the speed of light and generating up to 每秒10亿次碰撞. Sensors record what happens when these particles collide. These collisions can create an abundance of new particles — the building blocks of all matter – and generate massive volumes of raw data that can be challenging to capture, 存储和分析.

欧洲核子研究中心 and its re搜索 teams are committed to using the most advanced technologies to assist in these challenges, including artificial intelligence (AI) systems. This is where 微米 comes in as the first and, 到目前为止, only memory 公司 collaborating with 欧洲核子研究中心 as members of its exclusive industry partner platform, openlab. 通过这次合作, 微米 工程师 are leveraging our high-performance memory innovations to assist 欧洲核子研究中心 scientists in their most challenging experiments.

一个这样的实验是 紧凑型介子螺线管 (CMS), which is a general-purpose detector at the LHC. The CMS’s function ranges from studying the 标准模型 of physics (including the discovery of the 希格斯玻色子) to 搜索ing for extra dimensions and dark matter. The CMS detector is built around a huge solenoid magnet that generates a field of four tesla, 约100,是地球磁场的1000倍. 截至2022年5月,它是 one of the largest international scientific collaborations 在历史上, 涉及约5人,500名粒子物理学家, 工程师, 技术人员, students and support staff from 241 institutes in 54 countries.

The CMS is planning an extensive upgrade of the detector for operation at the High-Luminosity大型强子对撞机 从2029年开始. It will use more advanced event-selection algorithms, 包括机器学习推理, and introduce a novel data-collection system known as 一级(L1)侦察 作为L1触发器的一部分. This system collects and stores the reconstructed particle information, providing vast amounts of data for detector diagnostics, luminosity measurements and the study of otherwise inaccessible physics signatures.

The High-Luminosity大型强子对撞机 (H-L LHC) will be an extensive upgrade of the 大型强子对撞机 (LHC). The HL-LHC is expected to increase the number of collisions by a factor of… where luminosity refers to… and is an indicator of the collider's performance.

To assist with high-speed data collection, 欧洲核子研究中心 CMS will use 微米CZ120 内存扩展模块, based on the Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) standard, to improve the ingestion and data processing chain for L1 Scouting. The huge performance advantages of 微米CZ120 内存扩展模块 — in terms capacity, 带宽, and flexibility — will provide CMS coherent and seamless access to buffered data from multiple processors and compute accelerators, as well as a low-latency access/short-term storage space for both raw and processed data at scale.

This project continues a previous collaboration between 欧洲核子研究中心 and 微米. 第一个项目, successfully operated between 2019 and 2022, focused on accelerated machine-learning inference for triggering and data acquisition. 我们的新项目, 微米 will support 欧洲核子研究中心 with advanced memory solutions that will allow faster processing of data and shorten the time insight.

微米 is very proud of our ongoing collaboration with 欧洲核子研究中心 and extremely excited to be part of this scientific re搜索 project!

Director, 市场ing and Business Development EMEA


Jason is Director of Business Development and 市场ing for 微米’s Compute & EMEA的网络业务部门. He is responsible for the definition and execution of 微米’s regional strategy, with a focus on opportunity identification and development within the 云, 企业 & HPC服务器段. Jason also represents 微米 at European HPC industry consortia, 如ETP4HPC, and in re搜索 collaboration projects with European academic institutes.

Jason has been with 微米 for 8 years and in the 内存 business for nearly 20 years, having previously held various sales and marketing management positions at Infineon and Qimonda. His experience within the semiconductor industry dates back to 1995 when he started his career at National Semiconductor.

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